
Who are we? Why are we here? Why aren't we just using Discord?

All very valid questions, unfortunately I can only answer the last of the three; the first two should be discussed with a religious or philosophical member of your local community.

I (as in James) was born long ago, in the year 1992. I remember using the internet in the late 90s and early 00s on my parents PC via a beige CRT monitor, powered by an Intel Pentium III Process or and multiple Megabytes of RAM. The internet was in it's trainsition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0, as such the majority of my online commuication was on forums, TeamSpeak and MSN Messenger (Possibly even MySpace). I didn't have a smartphone in my pocket, or internet-enabled devices all over the house... My only access was via that beige machine (replaced in the 00s by a Panasonic ToughBook that I still own).

I've been mulling over the fast-paced nature of the internet these days and I find myself nostalgic for those slower, more meaningful experiences of yesteryear. So I figured, seeing that I was setting up a community to pair with my return to YouTube, that I'd keep it thematicaly relevant to the type of content I want to make. Discord and other services are great and all, but I personally can't keep track of converstaions across dozens of communities all in real-time. So here we are, pretending it's the late 20th Century.

This community isn't just for people who watch my YouTube content, however. I want it to be a space where folks can relive that nostalgia, from the comfort of modern devices. As a result, I hope that you feel welcome here and can use this place as a cosy rest stop on your travels through the big wide world of Web 3.0 and beyond.

Thanks for reading,
